Welcome to Functional Economics

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello all, welcome to Functional Economics, the newest Econ blog on the web run by... students. Yes, you heard right, this blog will be run by students. The intent is that this blog will serve as a forum of economic discussion for Mr. Devine's AP Economics students.

The truth is, economics is a very thought provoking study. The AP curriculum, however, is not exactly, how should I put this, conducive to original thought. A tax here equals a shift here, a movement here equates to an increase there, you get the point. The AP curriculum takes a robust study and condenses it into a black and white experience. This approach does have its benefits, but the truth is that nothing in economics is ever as ceteris paribus as we'd like them to be. And as such, it's important that you get to see the significance of economics outside of this black and white realm of textbooks and aplias.

The result, of course, is functional economics: a blog dedicated to finding the applications of economics in real life, from the decision to skip school to the inefficiencies of democracy. I hope that you will come along for the ride, even help design the ride, for such an experience will undoubtedly allow you to gain an unprecedented insight on the way our mysterious world works.

Throughout the year, Mr. Devine and I will continue to update the site with new posts and ideas, but I hope that we can count on your support and effort to make this blog a success.

And with that, have a nice day and happy blogging!

1 comment:

Mr. Devine said...


Could you demystify the Fed's Balance Sheet. What does it mean when we say the Fed's Balance sheet has increased significantly? What is the Fed's Balance sheet in the first place? Does this mean the Money supply has increased as well?

Help my students please!!!

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