A System Without Incentives Pt. 3

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reading some posts the other day, I realized I never finished my series of posts on the economics of procrastinating as a senior (oh the irony). The final reason for senioritis I have today doesn't really apply to me, per se, but I know that it definitely has a great deal of an effect on the effort put forth by my peers.

3. There is no GPA difference between AP classes, honor's classes, and normal classes.
Yeah, that's right. Our school doesn't have a weighted GPA. Ever hear of the kid who breezes through senior year with four credits of gym and two blow-off electives? That's our school. I'm personally taking five AP classes (I enjoy the challenge), but a person with the former schedule would likely have no GPA difference from someone with the latter GPA (in fact, the latter schedule might end up with a lower GPA, because the difficulty of the courses is greater).

Unsurprisingly, I prefer the weighted system over the unweighted system (5.0 scale for AP classes 4.5 for honor's, and 4.0 for normal classes). Not only would this make the grading system more fair, it would also incentivize students to take higher lever courses for a chance to improve their GPA.

So there you have it, the three reasons for senioritis. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go not do my homeowork :P

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