Resuming Blog Activity (and Reagonomics)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Alright, so by popular demand (aka Mr. Devine) I'm starting this up again. If you are a part of his class and would like to contribute, shoot me an email at I'm somewhat busy, so my contributions to this blog will be somewhat sporadic from here on out. My posts will begin to introduce some more advanced topics in college level Macro and Micro for students who want to learn about economics beyond the scope covered by the AP test. In my opinion, the AP exam is very theory heavy. I will begin to introduce some basic mathematical models and concepts that will be important in intermediate level economic theory. I will also try to post my comments regarding current economic news (QE2 ZOMG). Also, if some of you end up contributing, I would be happy to comment on those posts as well.

To close, I'd like to post a 100% inaccurate but 100% funny (in my opinion) take on Reagonomics. Enjoy!

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