Jodi Beggs at the AEA Humor Session

Friday, February 5, 2010

I've been looking for some videos of the AEA Humor Session (a whole session of economics humor? Yes please). This is what I've found so far, but I'll post more as I find it.

For the unaware, Jodi Beggs is the Harvard trained economist who is in charge of the "Economists Do It With Models" blog. You can access her blog from the left hand "quick links" bar. She also has video lectures online for introductory economics. If you're in an econ class right now and need some quick resources, go on youtube and look up "jodiecongirl"

The videos I found quite entertaining, if you're into this kind of humor. And yes, she uses a comic from xkcd in the third video, which completely made my day.

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