Now That's Service!

Monday, February 15, 2010

We've been having some serious internet issues as of late, with our internet switching on and off repeatedly for the last 3-4 days. I, being the computer junkie that I am, thought that I could fix it myself. As it turns out, I couldn't (not really my fault though, turned out the issue was with a virus on our laptop that was jamming our wireless signal).

Exasperated, I finally gave our ISP a call (undoubtedly with a hint of annoyance in my voice). Throughout the course of my conversation with the ISP representative, I happened to mention that I was so upset that I would be switching ISPs. Lo and behold, three hours later, there was a technician at my door, chirp and eager to fix the problem.

Though the technician wasn't able to fix the issue (we had to call my dad's IT friend), the little episode is demonstrative of a principal of private enterprises: they seek profits. The lady on the phone was so concerned about losing a customer that she made an exception and sent a technician to our house on the same day I made my complaint.

As for me, I'll be switching to another ISP. I wouldn't want to reward failure.

Hopefully AT&T will have better internet technicians.

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